The Right Choice For a Richer LIfe

Vivid flowers are a wonderful symbol of our Vivid Living neighborhood. They thrive in the sunshine, they come in a full variety of diverse colors and - in the right environment, with the right kind of care - they bloom.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Carver County Fair

The Carver County Fair was in our neighborhood last week. We had wonderful weather and we so enjoyed watching the families pass by from our porch! It was a lively week outside of the Lighthouse. We so look forward to this every year. We did sneak over to the fair on Thursday and visited the cows, horses, 4-H building and the art exhibits submitted by the Lighthouse residents. The residents recieved quite a few ribbons!
Barb & Sarah join Viola and friends
The crew: (back row) Barb, Amy, Lois
(front row) Viola, Sue & Bill
Vangie's daughter Sue recieved the Champion purple ribbon for her painting of "Flossie" the cow. We're so proud of her!

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